18 monthes-3 years old | ratio 5:1 | 3 classrooms

Providing a curriculum that focuses on development
Building social and emotional development
Guiding children with the tools they need for early independency


"I love coming into my classroom and seeing the children happy to see me."
"The toddler room is such a wonderful room. Children are starting to make conversation with you and starting to form independency. GLCC has great staff and children; this place feels like a second home to me."

"I love being a toddler teacher; I get to be silly, and goofy while teaching. GLCC is an awesome place to work, that has fun and caring staff. Coming to work is a joy and a blessing."
"Seeing children grow and light up when something they been learning clicks; is a wonderful feeling. I am a child inside and love being able to bring that into my classroom on a daily basis."

"Even though I been working here for a few months I can already tell this is my forever place. It is very kids oriented. I feel GLCC focuses on making sure the kids feel safe and cared for while also having fun."
daily schedule